Vaughan Lock Smith

Vaughan Lock Smith

Vaughan Ontario Locksmith (866) 350-4614

Vaughan Lock Smith.
With crime statistics increasing in America, it only makes sense that a homeowner and business owner would want to protect the substantial investments they have made in their home and /or business.
The truth is that most people don’t really know how to go about finding a qualified professional locksmith. It usually is not at the forefront of their minds until some emergency occurs like getting locked out of your house or car or after a break in has occurred at their business.Vaughan Locksmith
You wouldn’t think of driving a car that is not equipped with a spare tire in case of an emergency, so you shouldn’t wait until an emergency occurs to find a trustworthy locksmith.
You need to be careful about who you entrust.
you most valuable assets to. Many companies market themselves as security providers but are not certified, professional locksmiths.

So how do you find a trustworthy certified professional locksmith in your area? 

The Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA) is the professional organization for certified locksmiths. Members must meet stringent requirements and qualifications and subscribe to their code of ethics. They sponsor a website which only features professional locksmiths who are registered with ALOA. You can search the website by location to find members in your area.
Talk to people that you trust like your neighbor, best friends or your real estate agent and ask who they use. Good, reputable locksmiths will have built up favorable reviews with their existing clients.

Look in the yellow pages and find a few locksmiths in your area and call and interview them. A certified professional locksmith will be able to provide their business license number and their insurance provider policy number so that you can call and check. Ask how they determine their pricing.
If you can, take some time to go visit their business. Some companies will advertise that they are local but when you call, you may find yourself talking to a call center operator who is routing you to the first available locksmith that may or may not be a certified professional. Any legitimate professional locksmith will have a physical location that you can walk into and verify that they have been there for a while.
Our locksmith services are available 24 hour a day , 7 days a week at affordable prices. Our professional technicians are licensed, bonded and insured and are trained to provide a wide range of services. We are reliable and can be at your site within minutes of your call.


Vaughan Lock Smith offer a service warranty on all work performed by our company. Read the reviews of our satisfied clients and give us a call (866) 350-4614

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