Locksmith Vaughan Securing Patios

Locksmith Vaughan Securing Patios

Locksmith Vaughan Securing Patios service is offered mostly to home owners who have a patio door leading to their back yard. Our Locksmith Vaughan Securing Patio doors service is going to install a high safety lock on the door, or repair an old lock you have on it. Call our Locksmith Vaughan Securing Patio doors service to get the proper lock on your patio door.

Call us at any time – we are on call 24/7!

Locksmith Vaughan Securing Patios

Locksmith Vaughan Securing Patios

There are great patio locks available on today’s market, and they are great because you can drill holes for every width you want the door to be open at, and a spring-loaded bolt attached to the sliding door will drop into these holes when you allow it to.  If correctly installed, no burglar will be able to pry his way in unless he uses some really big tools and not without making some noise, so you can safely leave these doors slightly open.

One of the methods criminals use to get through a patio door is by trying to get them to fall off their tracks and pushing them out of the way.  This happens when the installer does a sloppy job and doesn’t make sure the door is framed in tightly.  The best way to prevent this happening is to get that fixed by a professional door installer.

You also need to think about having tour windows secured.  Windows are usually smaller than doors so they flex less.  It may be okay to use a dowel in some windows.  If you have window sash locks you need to consider secondary methods of locking your window, because a lot of the houses have really old windows with wood that is deteriorating and the small wood screws that hold these window sash locks on are often barely grabbing onto anything

The sliding door is perhaps the most vulnerable entry point to your home, but it is also one of the easiest and cheapest doors to secure.

Locksmith Vaughan has locksmith experts ready to come and help you secure your sliding door, patio door and windows, at any time you call us. Call us now!


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