Long Beach Locksmith

Long Beach Locksmith

Long Beach Ontario Locksmith (866) 350-4614


It’s been a long day at work, you had to work late and all you want to do is get home and put your feet up. You gather your belongings and cross the parking lot to your car while digging in your purse for the keys—only, they are not there. You put all of your belongings down outside your car and continue digging through your purse frantically. Not there. Now you are stranded outside your car with all your belongings. What do you do?

Just about everyone has locked themselves out of their car at one time or another. It is a terrifying experience to be locked out of your vehicle, and it’s worse when you are in a hurry, in the dark or stuck in bad weather.
Most people who find themselves in this type of situation often go into a panic, and then try to use various methods to try and force the doors or windows open. Most modern cars do not have push down door lock buttons anymore, so you can’t really use a coat hanger or a slim Jim to open the car. If you manage to get a small opening in the window and start to push or pull on the window, the window could break or shatter. The broken glass could cut you. Often times, attempts to use foreign objects to gain access to your car can lead to damage or injury and costly repairs.
If you are locked out of your car, try to keep calm and take the following steps: Long Beach Locksmith
Get yourself to safety. Your safety should always come first. Find a well lighted sheltered area, preferably indoors if possible. If you feel you are in danger, call 911 so that police can be dispatched to your location.
Call a family member or close friend to let them know what your circumstances are. Did you give a spare set of keys to one of them? It’s always a good idea to give a spare set of you car keys to a trusted family member or friend for these types of situations.
Call Long Beach Locksmith. An emergency locksmith is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so they are always available to help. A locksmith can create a replacement key or re-key for almost any type of car. Even if you have a digital key or electronic door opener, if you have the key code and personal identification, a locksmith can make you a new key.
A mobile locksmith will come to your location and in a matter of minutes and is equipped to complete the job right there.
Most legitimate locksmiths will give you an estimate on the phone for the total cost of the work.
Make sure the locksmith is insured. You want to be sure if your car is damaged during repair; the locksmith has insurance to cover your losses.
Avoid a locksmith scam by asking for identification when the locksmith arrives, including a business car and a copy of their license.

Take Precautions to be Prepared for this type of situation in the future.
There are a number of options to be prepared if you lock yourself out of your car in the future.
Duplicate Key: Get a duplicate key made and give it to a friend or family member you trust lives near you. You can also keep spare keys in an easily accessible place like on a hook in the kitchen or bedroom. You can also keep a key hidden somewhere on your vehicle like a magnetic box stuck up under a wheel well.
Locksmith: Program the phone number into your phone of a local, locksmith that offers 24 hour emergency service. While you do have to pay for a locksmith, you only pay for them when you need them as opposed to a yearly membership fee.
Calling Long Beach Locksmith is the best choice when you find yourself locked out of your car unexpectedly. They are trained professionals that can unlock your door without damage to your vehicle.

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