Xpress Locksmith Waterdown Archives - Xpress Locksmith & Doors https://xpresslocksmith.ca/tag/xpress-locksmith-waterdown/ 24/7 Local Locksmith and Doors Services in the GTA Area (416) 848-1109 and Kitchener/Waterloo Area (519) 489-2331 Hamilton/Burlington Area (905) 481-0137. Tue, 22 Jan 2019 18:12:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://xpresslocksmith.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/cropped-iconlogo-32x32.jpg Xpress Locksmith Waterdown Archives - Xpress Locksmith & Doors https://xpresslocksmith.ca/tag/xpress-locksmith-waterdown/ 32 32 Xpress Locksmith Waterdown https://xpresslocksmith.ca/xpress-locksmith-waterdown/ Tue, 22 Jan 2019 18:12:50 +0000 https://xpresslocksmith.ca/?p=6838 Xpress Locksmith Waterdown Waterdown Locksmith 519-489-2331   Xpress Locksmith Waterdown – Deadbolt Locks and Home Security I believe the key to a home’s front door security lies within the deadbolt lock. Many standard door-knob locks are of a low security grade. Ironically, these low security grade door-knob locks are the very same locks that are […]

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Xpress Locksmith Waterdown

Waterdown Locksmith 519-489-2331


Xpress Locksmith Waterdown – Deadbolt Locks and Home Security

I believe the key to a home’s front door security lies within the deadbolt lock. Xpress Locksmith WaterdownMany standard door-knob locks are of a low security grade. Ironically, these low security grade door-knob locks are the very same locks that are installed in homes across the country. Over time a deadbolt lock may experience ware and tear, thus needing to be replaced. With all of the different brands and choices out there you may find it difficult picking out a deadbolt lock that suits both your security needs and budget. The following information will touch base on different types of deadbolt locks, as well as listing the major pros and cons of each, helping you to make an educated decision on which deadbolt lock is right for you.


First up is the single cylinder deadbolt.

Single cylinder deadbolts have a key cylinder only on one side of the lock. On the opposite side there is a knob. An advantage of single cylinder deadbolts is the fact that you can open them from the inside without a key. A possible disadvantage of having a single cylinder deadbolt installed, would be if there is any window or glass installed around and or close enough to your door that if broken, would allow a burglar to reach through the broken glass and unlock the deadbolt.


Next up is the double cylinder deadbolt.

DCBs have keyed cylinders on both sides of the lock. Double deadbolts do NOT have a knob! You MUST have a key to open it. The fact that you have to have a key to open either side make DCBs more secure than single cylinder deadbolts. Any home that has children whom are prone to wandering off might want to consider having a double cylinder deadbolt installed because you would be free of worrying if your “Adventurous youth” snuck out of the house. However double cylinders could cause major problems in emergency situation because a person who doesn’t have the key would be able to exit safely.


The final deadbolt to review is the keyless entry deadbolt.

There are a number of different types of keyless entry deadbolts that are on the market today. There are keyless entry deadbolts that can be operated via remote control, alphanumeric keypad, and even fingerprint readers. Many consumers find that the sole, yet unfortunate drawback of keyless entry deadbolts is the hefty price tag that comes along with them.


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