emergency urgent locksmith help Kitchener garage business office home dorm Archives - Xpress Locksmith & Doors https://xpresslocksmith.ca/tag/emergency-urgent-locksmith-help-kitchener-garage-business-office-home-dorm/ 24/7 Local Locksmith and Doors Services in the GTA Area (416) 848-1109 and Kitchener/Waterloo Area (519) 489-2331 Hamilton/Burlington Area (905) 481-0137. Fri, 17 Nov 2017 01:29:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://xpresslocksmith.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/cropped-iconlogo-32x32.jpg emergency urgent locksmith help Kitchener garage business office home dorm Archives - Xpress Locksmith & Doors https://xpresslocksmith.ca/tag/emergency-urgent-locksmith-help-kitchener-garage-business-office-home-dorm/ 32 32 Locksmith Kitchener Locks Services https://xpresslocksmith.ca/locksmith-kitchener-locks-services/ Fri, 17 Nov 2017 01:29:14 +0000 https://xpresslocksmith.ca/?p=4901 Locksmith Kitchener Locks Services Locksmith Kitchener Locks Services are ready and available 24/7 to install all brands of locks and door locking hardware. Locksmith Kitchener Locks Services install deadbolts, knob locks, lever lock sets and safety compliant hardware. Locksmith Kitchener Locks Services install panic exit devices, fire exit devices, magnetic locks, switch locks, door buzzer […]

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Locksmith Kitchener Locks Services

Locksmith Kitchener Locks Services are ready and available 24/7 to install all brands of locks and door locking hardware. Locksmith Kitchener Locks Services install deadbolts, knob locks, lever lock sets and safety compliant hardware. Locksmith Kitchener Locks Services install panic exit devices, fire exit devices, magnetic locks, switch locks, door buzzer systems and electric keypad push button locks. 

Call us 24/7!

Locksmith Kitchener Locks Services

Locksmith Kitchener Locks Services

Our company employs only licensed locksmiths with the skills necessary to install commercial door locking hardware, including store front locking hardware, push bars and alarmed exit devices. We service and install all brands of commercial door hardware.

We install High Security Locks with absolute reliability and maintain key control by using high security locks designed to render bump keys useless. We can provide a complete line of high security mortise cylinders, padlocks, proof locks, and container locks that are designed to stop bump keys and unauthorized key duplication. From one door to hundreds, we plan, document, and install high security locks with minimal impact to your work environment. We assist in loss prevention, provide complete protection for your property and building occupants, and maintain compliance with safety codes.

Door closers are the door hardware item usually installed above your commercial door. Don’t risk liability for injury to your staff or customers by neglecting these essential door hardware items. If your door is slamming, or if you find drops of oil on the threshold or header, it may be time to replace your door closer. It is very common for door closers to only need slight adjustments that may save you hundreds of dollars in door repairs in the future, and reduce your liability for safety of customers and building occupants. Adjustments to door closers are included free of charge when we perform other work on your door.

Electronic access control systems provide accountability of your employees. You can allow access to your employees while maintaining an audit trail of who entered where and when. Modern electronic access control systems take only minutes to accomplish single user or group lockouts of areas needing immediate changes to access control lists.

Our team has performed safe openings, safe servicing, safe repairs and safe maintenance on all different types of safes. From antique safes to commercial safes, bank vaults or jewellers safes with intricate relocking mechanisms, our safe locksmiths and safe technicians are the most qualified safe specialists.

Call Locksmith Kitchener for all your lock installation on your property – call us now!

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