Locksmith Brampton Archives - Xpress Locksmith & Doors https://xpresslocksmith.ca/category/locksmith-brampton/ 24/7 Local Locksmith and Doors Services in the GTA Area (416) 848-1109 and Kitchener/Waterloo Area (519) 489-2331 Hamilton/Burlington Area (905) 481-0137. Tue, 19 Feb 2019 06:40:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://xpresslocksmith.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/cropped-iconlogo-32x32.jpg Locksmith Brampton Archives - Xpress Locksmith & Doors https://xpresslocksmith.ca/category/locksmith-brampton/ 32 32 Locks Change Milton https://xpresslocksmith.ca/locks-change-milton/ Tue, 19 Feb 2019 06:40:21 +0000 https://xpresslocksmith.ca/?p=7068 Locks Change Milton Milton Locksmith 519-489-2331 Locks Change Milton How To Install High Security Door Locks: One of the most important aspects of home security are high security door locks. These locks can be found at just about any hardware store online or off line. Price may vary considerably by brand but all secure door […]

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Locks Change Milton

Milton Locksmith 519-489-2331

Locks Change Milton

How To Install High Security Door Locks:

One of the most important aspects of home security are high security door locks. These locks can be found at just about any hardware store online or off line. Price may vary considerably by brand but all secure door locks have some of the basic components: solid, case-hardened steel cylinder guard, case hardened screws and a bolt that protrudes at least 1 inch from the edge of the door.


Upon purchasing your new door lock you should have noticed a template.

This template should be marked for different door thicknesses. Take the template Locks Change Miltonand fold it, make sharp corners along the lines of your door size. You will then position the template about 6 inches above the existing door knob and tape it to the door. Once the template has been taped to the door take a sharp object preferably a nail and mark the bolt hole and a hole for the lock. Once your marks have been made remove the template.


Next simply close the door so that it will remain steady, using an electric drill and a hole saw slowly make the necessary hole in the door. It may be necessary to stop the drill several times as to avoid splintering the wood around the edge of the hole. Be sure once the small bit has pushed through the door go to the other side of the door and finish the hole.


Once you have made the appropriate size hole in the door you will then need to wedge it open.

Using a wood drill make the holes for the lock. Next slide the bolt assembly into the bolt hole. Make sure the bolt assembly is flush and mark the outline of the face plate. Using a chisel cut out a hole for the face plate. Be sure to chisel just enough area for the face plate. Attach the face plate and move on to the final steps.


It’s time now to insert the drive bar into its rightful place, keep in mind the drive bar may be too large so cutting may be necessary. Insert the guide bar and then the lock assembly. If the drive bar doesn’t want to turn rotate the assembly 180 degrees. If the rotation allows the drive bar to turn freely remove the lock assembly and install the retaining plate. Replace the lock assembly and using the available screws tighten your lock into place.


Service Areas

Locks Repair and Replacement Provide 24 Hour Services to Ontario areas including:

North York | Mississauga | Milton | Richmond Hill | Brampton | Etobicoke | Oakville | Scarborough | Vaughan | Thornhill |Cambridge | Guelph | Kitchener | Toronto | Hamilton | Waterdown | Caledonia | Burlington | Woodstock | New Hamburg | Waterloo and more..


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Locks Change Toronto https://xpresslocksmith.ca/locks-change-toronto/ Tue, 19 Feb 2019 06:26:07 +0000 https://xpresslocksmith.ca/?p=7060 Locks Change Toronto Toronto Locksmith 519-489-2331 Locks Change Toronto High Security Locks – Are They More Secure? Everyone has heard the term “High Security Locks”, but what does that mean? What makes a lock high security and are they worth the extra money that you will pay for them? For this article I will discuss […]

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Locks Change Toronto

Toronto Locksmith 519-489-2331

Locks Change Toronto

High Security Locks – Are They More Secure?

Everyone has heard the term “High Security Locks”, but what does that mean? What makes a lock high security and are they worth the extra money that you will pay for them? For this article I will discuss mechanical locks.


Let’s take a look at what makes a high security lock.

High Security Locks must be physically secure, this means that they must be made of high quality material such as hardened steel, stainless steel or boron steel. They must be able to withstand physical attacks such as drilling, prying and hammer attacks and they should have either a Grade 1 or 2 ANSI rating I discussed this in a past article. Most will be UL rated and listed.


These locks should have keys and keyways that provide “Key Control”.

This is usually accomplished by the manufacturer designing a keyway that is very unique and has a utility patent. The utility patent will describe how the key and keyway function together, it will describe how the key activates the pins or discs and if there is any other mechanism in the keyway that the key will activate. This utility patent is how the manufacturer and its distributors will control the keys. These are not keys that you can have made in a big box store, you will have to have them made by the manufacturer or its distributors and you will have to provide some identification and the original lock codes.

Here are the major points of high security locks:Locks Change Toronto
  • High measure of key control
  • Patented key, keyway and/or lock mechanism
  • Constructed of high quality materials
  • Pick resistant
  • Highly resistance to drilling, prying and hammer attacks


So, are these locks worth the price?

The answer to that question relates to what you are protecting. If you put a padlock on an outdoor shed then you probably do not need a high security padlock. However, if you are securing thousands of dollars of electronic equipment then yes the protection you get is worth the higher price. For businesses, hospitals and universities or colleges, high security protection should be the normal course of action.


What about your house, do you need high security locks on your house?

Again, look at what you are protecting. No, not your stuff, you are protecting your family, there is nothing more important to protect than that. So ask yourself: is your family worth the extra price that you will pay?


Service Areas

Locks Repair and Replacement Provide 24 Hour Services to Ontario areas including:

North York | Mississauga | Milton | Richmond Hill | Brampton | Etobicoke | Oakville | Scarborough | Vaughan | Thornhill |Cambridge | Guelph | Kitchener | Toronto | Hamilton | Waterdown | Caledonia | Burlington | Woodstock | New Hamburg | Waterloo and more..


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Sliding Glass Door Locks Repair in Kitchener https://xpresslocksmith.ca/sliding-glass-door-locks-repair-in-kitchener/ Fri, 04 Jan 2019 21:10:45 +0000 https://xpresslocksmith.ca/?p=6803 Sliding Glass Door Locks Repair in Kitchener Kitchener Locksmith 647-866-0956   Sliding Glass Door Locks Repair in Kitchener We all would agree to the fact that there are many people around us who have a strange knack of seeing others’ things; it may be your expensive possessions or may be a private letter or it […]

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Sliding Glass Door Locks Repair in Kitchener

Kitchener Locksmith 647-866-0956


Sliding Glass Door Locks Repair in Kitchener

We all would agree to the fact that there are many people around us who have a strange knack of seeing others’ things; it may be your expensive possessions or may be a private letter or it can even be some papers etc. You would invariably find that at your workplace or if you live in a joint family, then some people are trying to see your things. Everything is not for everybody to see and thus we try to keep those private things under a safe protection. And that is exactly where the need of a good lock system comes.

Now when it comes to the safety and security of the sliding glass doors, you need to be very alert while buying them. I have seen that many people don’t give too much importance in this aspect which isn’t good. After all, you are the one who needs to be ever-cautious about your safety measures. Keep in mind that people expert in stealing are incorporating several new tricks these days to rob you. Though it can be very noisy for a thief if he has to smash the glass to enter your home but there are chances that you are not at home and if your neighborhood isn’t that conscious then god saves you.

Hence make sure that you are using the modern equipment to protect yourself and your family from this danger.

Sliding Glass Door Locks Repair in Kitchener

Despite the fact that the whole logic behind using sliding doors is essentially to get a beautiful view of the outside and inside of your room but you have to be careful about the fact that it is fully protected!! Always use doors that are easy to open and lock. That is why I personally feel that investing into quality sliding door locks is a great way of ensuring that you have got both the crucial things in your kitty; beauty that you want to enjoy and the required amount of safety.


Those using glass sliding doors are aware and at some stage must have experienced that locks getting jammed or even the locks aren’t working properly. On many cases people would tell you to spend more while buying these locks but the reality is bit different. I will tell you to give more time while you are choosing these types of locks for your home or office.

Sliding glass interior doors won’t give you too much trouble if you buy the right ones and many feel that it doesn’t even need heavy locks. These doors are mainly for style and passing air purpose and thus certain measures will be sufficient. Sliding glass doors give a touch of aesthetics to the whole decorum of your house and probably that is the reason why many don’t consider its’ security aspects to a great extent.


Here I want to tell you that repairing sliding glass door lock is sadly not everybody’s cup of tea as because the mechanisms are not very easy and therefore it requires the expertise of an experienced locksmith personnel to replace or install them with the new ones. Depending upon the nature of sliding door locks, you need to operate on them.


Finding these locks isn’t that difficult. You can search in your local market or see some websites to get what you want.


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Xpress Locksmith Services https://xpresslocksmith.ca/xpress-locksmith-services/ Wed, 17 Oct 2018 17:05:43 +0000 https://xpresslocksmith.ca/?p=6699 Complete Mobile Xpress Locksmith Services    Xpress Locksmith Inc. is a local locksmith service provider. Car Lockout? Lost Keys? House lock change? Business security upgrade? The experts at Xpress Locksmith Inc. can handle any locksmith service that you require – 24/7! Our professional locksmith technicians deliver all the essential lock-related services for your car, home, […]

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Xpress Locksmith Services

Complete Mobile Xpress Locksmith Services 


Xpress Locksmith Inc. is a local locksmith service provider. Car Lockout? Lost Keys? House lock change? Business security upgrade? The experts at Xpress Locksmith Inc. can handle any locksmith service that you require – 24/7!

Our professional locksmith technicians deliver all the essential lock-related services for your car, home, business and more at all hours of the day and night. Whether you’re in the midst of a lockout emergency or taking proactive steps to boost the safety of your car, home or office, call us today at (866) 350-4614 and we’ll quickly connect you with a trained, tested, and trusted local locksmith technician in your area.

It is also one of the oldest professions on the earth. This profession began as man started living groups, to safeguard his possession from theft. Gradually this has become a professional carried over from one generation to another generation. It has passed as sacred family heredity business even in modern times. There are companies that have retained its reputation for decades.

In most of the locksmith companies, one can find some common features, like they give twenty-four services, they will be having an expert team of key manufacturers and they can produce duplicate keys within very short span of time so that they can access the locked products. Xpress locksmith Services offer variety of solutions that can crop up in our regular day to day locksmith problems. Their services are divided into four categories broadly like residential services, automotive services, commercial services, and emergency services. Depending upon the type of service clients require the company dispatches their team members accordingly.


lock rekey

A lock rekey takes just a few steps, and the first step is to call Xpress Locksmith Inc. at (866) 350-4614.

We’re an excellent nationwide choice for boosting the security of your local home or business via professional lock rekeys. If you want to render the old keys to your home or office useless, a residential or business re-key is the perfect solution. Concerned about a former roommate or a terminated employee unlawfully entering your home or office with that key they kept? Xpress Locksmith Inc. can help you let go of your lock worries. Our locksmith technician will reposition the wafers in your lock to match a new key, making any old keys useless in your locks. Contact us now for fast, local locksmith service, even at 3am.


lock repair

Some things can be hard to repair, like relationships or a bad economy. Luckily, locks are not one of them, especially when you call Xpress Locksmith Inc.

We’re a growing, nationwide locksmith company with local locksmith technicians available around the clock to fix your damaged, jammed, or finicky locks. Worried about a worn out lock downgrading your home or business security? Looking to create a high security environment for your house or office? Call Xpress Locksmith Inc. today for reliable, guaranteed locksmith service. Our locksmiths carry all the tools they need to fix your locks on site, quickly and carefully and without leaving a mess. All of our locksmith solutions are guaranteed for 90 days.


lock replacement

It’s a fact too obvious to deny: most things wear out eventually, and when they do, you need to replace them. Locks are no different.

When it’s time for new locks at your home or office, Xpress Locksmith Inc. is the nation’s top choice for reliable locksmith solutions. Our dispatchers and locksmith technicians are on call 24/7 and are happy to help you with all of your lock replacement needs. Whether it’s a new front door lock, an upgrade to high-security commercial locks, or a complete lock change for your entire home or business, our professional local locksmith will be on site to perform a guaranteed lock change. Call now and exchange your weary old locks for fresh new faces.


key replacement

Lost keys to your business, house or car? Contact Xpress Locksmith Services now and help will be on the way.

As the top provider of 24 hour mobile locksmith service in the country, we work with a fleet of trained local locksmiths to handle all your automotive, residential, and commercial key replacement needs. Our 24/7 technicians travel to your car, home, or office location to make new keys for your auto, house or business on the spot. We can also cut and transponder keys, high security keys and motorcycle keys in most cities. Save (866) 350-4614 to your phone’s contacts and next time you’re stuck with a lost key emergency, call Xpress Locksmith Services. for a speedy new key.

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Locks Change Kitchener Ontario https://xpresslocksmith.ca/locks-change-kitchener-ontario/ Sat, 21 Jul 2018 12:20:17 +0000 https://xpresslocksmith.ca/?p=6688 Locks Change Kitchener Ontario For Home & Business 24/7 If you need your locks change Kitchener Ontario, call our mobile locksmith today for FAST and affordable locksmith service. We are here to make your home and office more secure and safe with high-quality locks and security systems. We can offer you different type of locks brands (Baldwin, Schalge, Master, […]

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Locks Change Kitchener Ontario For Home & Business 24/7

If you need your locks change Kitchener Ontario, call our mobile locksmith today for FAST and affordable locksmith service. We are here to make your home and office more secure and safe with high-quality locks and security systems. We can offer you different type of locks brands (Baldwin, Schalge, Master, Medeco Multilock  & more) design and security level, our highly trained technicians will make sure your locks change experience will be simple & affordable, Our technicians will much the security level of the locks to your property hardware, location and your budget.
Our Kitchener Ontario lock installation specialists are here to serve you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you need us in an emergency situation or just to work on changing your locks, we are here to help. Give us a call now and one of our technicians will be at your location in 30 minute or less!

Locks Change Kitchener Ontario
Call us at (519) 489-2331 for locks change in Kitchener Ontario

Locks Change Kitchener Ontario 24 Hour If rekeying your locks isn’t an option, you may need us for locks change services in Kitchener Ontario. We work with some of the top brands in the industry and can change out any type of lock fairly quickly.

Changing your locks makes sense when you are:
* Moving to a new space
* Having a roommate move out
* Dealing with damaged locks
* Concerned about a break-in situation

We provide district locks change Kitchener Ontario for commercial properties, houses and cars 24 hour – we offer same day service or quick emergency response with no extra charge – give as call to set up an appointment, ask any locksmith questions  regarding your locks change or to get free estimate – 24 hours a day 7 days a week!
Call us at (519) 489-2331 now for all types of locks change Kitchener Ontario.


Professional Commercial Locksmith Kitchener Ontario

If you are looking for a commercial locksmith Kitchener Ontario to make your office, retail store or other commercial property that much safer and more secure, call us for fast service any time of day. We have a team of experienced Kitchener commercial locksmiths standing by to take care of any project for the office, retail storefront, or other commercial property. Locked out? Fired an employee and need the locks change? Need to add an exit device? Call our commercial locksmith Kitchener now! for FAST mobile locksmith and Expert locksmith service.
We have been working with office managers, property owners, and corporations around the city for years. We’ve earned a reputation for being reliable and delivering high quality work. Give us a call when you are dealing with an emergency lockout situation, need a new set of locks installed, or need security maintenance services. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience.
Expert Commercial locksmith Kitchener Ontario At (519) 489-2331!

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Locksmith Vaughan Loyal 24-7 Door Service https://xpresslocksmith.ca/locksmith-vaughan-loyal-24-7-door-service/ Fri, 24 Nov 2017 21:43:03 +0000 https://xpresslocksmith.ca/?p=5117 Locksmith Vaughan Loyal 24-7 Door Service Locksmith Vaughan Loyal 24-7 Door Service is always available and always ready and equipped to assist you anywhere in the city 24/7. Locksmith Vaughan Loyal 24-7 Door Service has reliable and affordable locksmith work and our customers return any time in need of help. Locksmith Vaughan Loyal 24-7 Door […]

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Locksmith Vaughan Loyal 24-7 Door Service

Locksmith Vaughan Loyal 24-7 Door Service is always available and always ready and equipped to assist you anywhere in the city 24/7. Locksmith Vaughan Loyal 24-7 Door Service has reliable and affordable locksmith work and our customers return any time in need of help. Locksmith Vaughan Loyal 24-7 Door Service is a guarantee that we can easily meet your needs and budgets.

Call us 24/7!

Locksmith Vaughan Loyal 24-7 Door Service

Locksmith Vaughan Loyal 24-7 Door Service

We have best locksmith technicians, with professional service who never fail to perform for the most comprehensive and reliable locksmith services, 24 hours a day in the area.

We offer Residential, Automotive, Emergency and Commercial Locksmith Service in the whole Vaughan area, including the following ones:

Locksmith Service, 24 Hour Locksmith, Mobile Locksmith, Residential Locksmith, Commercial Locksmith, Automotive Locksmith, Emergency Locksmith, Locks & Locksmiths, High Security Locks, Houses Unlocked or Opened, Locks Changed, Locks Re-keyed, Locks Repaired, Emergency Lockouts, Car Door Unlocking, Computer Chip Keys Programmed, Keys Made, Ignitions Repaired or Replaced, Transponder Keys Made, Business Lockout, Safe Lockout, Storage Lockout, Car Key Make, Ignition Change.

Key Replacement – Lost or damaged keys? Our locksmiths can replace nearly any key, on the spot. We can have a mobile locksmith come out to you right away & replace any keys. 

Door Unlocking service – Locked out of your home, office or car? Don’t worry, we’ll send a locksmith to you right away. Get back in your property fast. Being locked out is no fun. Call for our lockout service pricing. If you are locked out, call us!

Our team guarantees our lock services, or get your money back. We can pop any lock open. Call any time, any day. It is frustrating to need a locksmith service. Our locksmith techs are fast to arrive & friendly too. When you need of a locksmith, call us first. We service 24 hours,7 days a week the whole area.

Locksmith Vaughan varied services are offered to the whole area customers. We are as fast as 20 minutes from your call and we will make sure any locked-out situation you are facing, will be properly dealt with so you may retake control of your car, home or business. Locksmith Vaughan may be called upon at any moment of day or night!



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Locksmith Toronto Replaces Lock Door Key https://xpresslocksmith.ca/locksmith-toronto-replaces-lock-door-key/ Fri, 24 Nov 2017 21:40:03 +0000 https://xpresslocksmith.ca/?p=5115 Locksmith Toronto Replaces Lock Door Key Locksmith Toronto Replaces Lock Door Key services are offered 24/7 along the full range of our repairs and lockout services. Locksmith Toronto Replaces Lock Door Key for any of your house, business or car at any time you need our help. Locksmith Toronto Replaces Lock Door Key assistance will […]

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Locksmith Toronto Replaces Lock Door Key

Locksmith Toronto Replaces Lock Door Key services are offered 24/7 along the full range of our repairs and lockout services. Locksmith Toronto Replaces Lock Door Key for any of your house, business or car at any time you need our help. Locksmith Toronto Replaces Lock Door Key assistance will save time and money by relying on our car key repairs and lockout services or even key replacement service. We are here 24/7, so call for our service now!

Locksmith Toronto Replaces Lock Door Key

Locksmith Toronto Replaces Lock Door Key

We work 24/7 and around your schedule to perform re-keys, repairs and lockout services at a time that is convenient for you. Any residential, commercial, car or safe can use our fast and secure repairs and lockout services.

A broken lock will surprise you at the worst possible time, but trust us to give you the best locksmith experience. One of our experienced technicians will be on the way asap to fix your jammed lock, extract a broken key, or replace worn out locks in your car, home or office. Our excellent service will meet your auto, residential and commercial lock repair needs around the clock to will return your home, car or business to optimal security status!

We are also ready to replacing your lost car, home or office keys on the spot. Call one of our trained and prompt locksmith technicians for 24/7 key replacement. If you’ve lost or broken your car, home, office, file cabinet or mailbox keys, our expert locksmith technicians can provide a replacement key on the spot. We also cut and program transponder keys for your car on site. Contact us now for round the clock help— no key replacement job is too big or too small for us!  Save time and money by relying on our car key replacement service.   Let our guys know the year, make and model of your motor vehicle, and they will see what it will take to get the parts, key code, and labour all taken care of!

Call us to ensure the safety and security of your new office building, apartment or house with our quick, guaranteed lock re-key services. One of our professional locksmiths can re-key (instead of replace) your locks by changing the position of the wafers inside the lock cylinder and give you a new key. Trust our Locksmith Toronto to re-key your locks and enhance the security of your residential or commercial property.


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Locksmith Richmond Hill Proper Lock Care https://xpresslocksmith.ca/locksmith-richmond-hill-proper-lock-care/ Fri, 24 Nov 2017 21:36:49 +0000 https://xpresslocksmith.ca/?p=5112 Locksmith Richmond Hill Proper Lock Care Locksmith Richmond Hill Proper Lock Care is only one phone call away and a response time of 20 minutes when you call for our help. Locksmith Richmond Hill Proper Lock Care is going to replace, re-key or install new locks on your property. No matter when you need our […]

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Locksmith Richmond Hill Proper Lock Care

Locksmith Richmond Hill Proper Lock Care is only one phone call away and a response time of 20 minutes when you call for our help. Locksmith Richmond Hill Proper Lock Care is going to replace, re-key or install new locks on your property. No matter when you need our help. Locksmith Richmond Hill Proper Lock Care has teams available 24/7. Call us now for assistance!

Locksmith Richmond Hill Proper Lock Care

Locksmith Richmond Hill Proper Lock Care

Investing in the right locks will help to ensure that your property is as safe and secure as possible. There are some important areas for locks to be installed.

Front Doors /Main entrances: This is often the most accessible part of your property, and it is therefore probably the important area to secure

Back doors: It is also very important to secure this area. It may be possible to have extra security in this area as you will not generally be leaving the property via this exit.

Windows: we recommend that any accessible windows have key locking window locks.

Sliding patio doors /French doors: All patio /French door should have key operated locks.

From time to time, you will have a key that sticks. Don’t ignore a key sticking in your lock. Over time the problem will get worse and the end result will be a key stuck completely jammed in the lock, or even breaking off in the lock.

You should also bear in mind that even if you are successful in stopping the key from sticking, this is only a temporary solution. You will notice that over time, the key will begin to stick again. When this happens, get a new key. Don’t repeatedly use these methods as you could clog up the lock’s mechanism resulting in potential lock failure (leaving you locked out) and the need to have your lock replaced.

If the worst happens and your key does become completely stuck in the lock, you need to call our locksmith. Don’t try to force the key out – you’re likely to snap it off completely. Instead, call Locksmith Richmond Hill. Our locksmith will either be able to remove the key for you, or replace your lock with little or no damage to your door.


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Locksmith Vaughan Lock Door 24-7 Care https://xpresslocksmith.ca/locksmith-vaughan-lock-door-24-7-care/ Fri, 24 Nov 2017 21:35:54 +0000 https://xpresslocksmith.ca/?p=5113 Locksmith Vaughan Lock Door 24-7 Care Locksmith Vaughan Lock Door 24-7 Care services will come to your door to help you in case of an emergency lockout. Having problems with your doors, locks and keys, is always something we can help, so call Locksmith Vaughan Lock Door 24-7 Care for immediate help. Our mobile locksmiths […]

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Locksmith Vaughan Lock Door 24-7 Care

Locksmith Vaughan Lock Door 24-7 Care services will come to your door to help you in case of an emergency lockout. Having problems with your doors, locks and keys, is always something we can help, so call Locksmith Vaughan Lock Door 24-7 Care for immediate help. Our mobile locksmiths are always in the city, as we are local and mobile, and when you call for our Locksmith Vaughan Lock Door 24-7 Care assistance, we come to you in 20 minutes or less. Call us now!

Locksmith Vaughan Lock Door 24-7 Care

Locksmith Vaughan Lock Door 24-7 Care

In the event of a lockout, be it at your car, home or office, call us. After you have called us, call a friend or relative, or wait in a safe public place. We will call you when we are nearly there. In many cases, we can get you into your property without causing any damage. We will ALWAYS use non-destructive methods wherever possible.

In most cases, our locksmiths can gain entry to your property using non-destructive methods which leave your lock intact. However, sometimes a new lock will be required. There are many types of locks used on doors, each of which requires a different method to gain entry. Home doors usually have a cylinder lock which can often be opened with no damage to your lock. Other cylinder locks can often be opened without damage. Mortice locks are much more difficult to open using and may need to be drilled. This would require a new lock. Our team carries a range of locks and replacement is often less expensive than repeated attempts at opening a locked or damaged one.

Whatever your lock type, our team will ALWAYS use the quickest and least destructive method to gain entry to your property. Our locksmiths carry all of the equipment needed to open your lock.

Lock changes need not be expensive – often all that is needed is a change of levers or a replacement cylinder. All of our locksmiths carry a wide range of stock in their vans. Feel free to call Locksmith Vaughan to discuss your requirements. Call us now!


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Vaughan 24-Hour Emergency Locksmith Service https://xpresslocksmith.ca/vaughan-24-hour-emergency-locksmith-service/ Fri, 24 Nov 2017 21:31:17 +0000 https://xpresslocksmith.ca/?p=5109 Vaughan 24-Hour Emergency Locksmith Service Vaughan 24-Hour Emergency Locksmith Service is always around and ready to come to your help, no matter if it is day or night.  Locked out, lost your keys, need your locks changed – call our Vaughan 24-Hour Emergency Locksmith Service. Our team from Vaughan 24-Hour Emergency Locksmith Service can help […]

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Vaughan 24-Hour Emergency Locksmith Service

Vaughan 24-Hour Emergency Locksmith Service is always around and ready to come to your help, no matter if it is day or night.  Locked out, lost your keys, need your locks changed – call our Vaughan 24-Hour Emergency Locksmith Service. Our team from Vaughan 24-Hour Emergency Locksmith Service can help you to gain entry to your home and secure your property, whatever the cause of your emergency. Call us now!

Vaughan 24-Hour Emergency Locksmith Service

Vaughan 24-Hour Emergency Locksmith Service

There is no doubt that any of these situations can be extremely stressful. But we can help to rectify your problem and put your mind at ease. We will take your call any time of day or night. We are experienced, and we RESPOND QUICKLY. Our aim is to be with you in less than 20 minutes day or night in the event of an emergency!

So, if you need a local independent locksmith company in the city, call us. We are fully trained and highly experienced, we are friendly, reliable and we care.

Our vans are fully stocked so that we can complete any work at the time, leaving your property secure. When you call our 24-hour service you will speak to a fully trained and experienced locksmith who will take details of your problem and assess the job over the telephone.

One of our locksmiths will then travel to your property and confirm the price with you before any work is started. Our 24-hour Locksmith Services Include:

  • Emergency lock opening
  • Lock changes
  • Burglary repairs
  • Lock installation
  • Lock repairs
  • And more

The main thing to remember is not to panic. We can repair or replace your lock, and you’ll definitely be able to re-enter your home, and your home will be fully secure before we leave.
Our locksmiths are used to emergency call-outs. They are experienced in gaining entry using non-destructive methods and can often repair your lock. However, sometimes it is actually cheaper and better to simply replace your lock if it is very old or not safe.

Our locksmiths carry a full range of locks just in case in our fully stocked mobile workshop.
Whatever the cause of your emergency, from a simple case of leaving your keys inside, to somebody trying to force entry, your home will always be left fully secure. Call Locksmith Vaughan 24/7 for all your lock and key needs!


The post Vaughan 24-Hour Emergency Locksmith Service appeared first on Xpress Locksmith & Doors.
